It seems such an easy way of earning a bit of money by renting out your DUWO-room to tourists. Companies such as, AirBnB and Wimdu makes it easy to find rental guests for your apartment. Well, it might be, unless you get caught. DUWO acts strongly against illegal subletting and will kick you out!
Renting out your DUWO room is not allowed, because the apartments are deployed by DUWO as components of social housing. In a case of illegal subletting DUWO terminates the tenancy agreement and the tenant can be fined. Read this article of DUWO for more information about additional income through Airbnb.
In the beginning of August, tried persuade tenants of student complexes to rent out their apartments. Especially students near these buildings were targeted in this campaign ‘Start earning today’ with bike seat covers. The students’ organization ASVA and the Jonge Socialisten, the youth chapter of the Socialdemocratic party PvdA were protesting at the main entrance of at Oosterdokseiland.
Duwoners advises you not to take the risk to get kicked out. If you have questions about what is allowed and what not, please contact with your student housing corporation DUWO via this contact form.
You can find more news (in Dutch) in this article of Het Parool. In the following AT5 article you can read more about the protest of the two students’ organizations that were mentioned before.