What does the Rent Tribunal do?

The Rent Tribunal is an independent organisation that can issue binding rulings in disputes between tenants and landlords. With the contracts DUWO offers to students, you can go to the tribunal for complaints relating to the initial rent (up to 6 months after entering into the contract), the service costs and the maintenance of your individual residence or communal areas.  

An example of a procedure you can take is the annual settlement of the service costs. DUWO is legally obliged to send the annual settlement of service costs before 1 July. If they fail to do so, request the service charge statement in writing. Have you still not received them after 3 weeks? Then you can start proceedings before the Rent Tribunal. 

Have you received the statement and do not agree with the costs? Ask DUWO to adjust the costs. If they do not agree, you can start proceedings before the Rent Tribunal. 

You can read the specific conditions here. Pay close attention to the deadlines you have to observe as a tenant to be eligible for proceedings. 

How do proceedings at the Rent Tribunal work?

Please note that a procedure before the Rent Tribunal can only be initiated in Dutch. Please do ask a friend(ly neighbour) to help out! 

The proceedings start by filling in a form submitted to the Rent Tribunal. Normally, starting proceedings costs €25. If you receive rent allowance, you can apply for an exemption. 

Please note: DUWO will receive a copy of the form from the Rent Tribunal, as it is obliged to report that proceedings have been started.

If the case is clear, you will receive a written ruling.

If the case is less clear, further investigation may be carried out by the Huur Tribunal. This is followed by a hearing. You can attend this online or on location, and it takes about 15 minutes. You will receive the ruling within 6 weeks.

What happens if you are proven right or wrong? 

The Rent Tribunal can issue a binding decision or an opinion. In most cases involving temporary contracts/social housing tenancies, a binding decision is given. 

If you win the case, DUWO is obliged to comply with the Rent Tribunal’s ruling. If you paid €25 to start the procedure, you will get that money back. 

If you lose the case, you can issue an appeal with the Rent Tribunal, and eventually you can still go to the subdistrict court. If you paid €25 to start the procedure, you will not get the money back. 

Support for the proceedings

For further guidance regarding the proceedings, we also refer you to Stichting !WOON. Amsterdam has been the only major city in the Netherlands with extensive tenant support for 30 years. !WOON is also active in Haarlem and Amstelveen. In each city district, !WOON has a branch. There are experts who, among other things, carry out home inspections to identify defects and help tenants send letters of complaint to the landlord. They also provide support when going to the Rent Tribunal. See English information and support for tenants | !WOON (wooninfo.nl)

In addition, Duwoners is always happy to think along with you about the feasibility of a procedure, and the right approach. 

Any questions? Send an email to info@duwoners.nl