Explanation of requests of advice…
What are advice requests?
If DUWO wants to implement a change in its policy and / or management, it is obliged to request advice from Duwoners. In a request for advice, it is extensively written which changes DUWO wants to apply and why they think this is necessary.
How does a request for advice work?
After submitting a request for advice by DUWO, Duwoners has six weeks to respond. We also look at whether there is enough knowledge in-house to write the advice ourselves, or whether we call in the help of a professional. Before submitting the final DUWO recommendation, Duwoners can of course request further explanation. Normally we give a conclusion in our advice, in which we give a positive or negative opinion on the proposed changes.
DUWO can continue its plans even with a negative recommendation. Only in the event that changes are proposed to the service costs package, do the tenants have the right of consent and must the majority be positive. After submitting our final advice, DUWO has the duty to write a response to our advice. Possibly, Duwoners will then take further steps afterwards.
How is the overview of the relevant documents structured?
These are sorted by year in which the advice was issued. The link leads to a separate page for each advice. This will first contain DUWO’s request for advice in PDF format, below any questions and / or comments, then the advice that Duwoners has issued on this, and finally DUWO’s response.
In some cases, Duwoners gave a reaction to DUWO’s response, of course these were also added.
Where can I find a summary of the advice and requests for advice?
These can be found on this page.