About Duwoners
What is happening?
Residents' Committee
I have a question

What does
Duwoners do...

Duwoners is a tenants’ association for all the renters of DUWO in the region of Amsterdam. In this region, in which DUWO has campuses in Amsterdam, Hoofddorp and Haarlem, live around 7500 people. We serve the interests of these renters. (There are around 3.300 renters on Uilenstede, Amstelveen, but these renters have their own tenants’ association named the VBU)

The latest

Additional payment obligation for service charges Opaallaan in 2023…

A large portion of tenants, especially those in non-self-contained units, will need to pay a substantial amount more due to the significantly increased energy prices in 2023. At the end of December 2022, the group contracts that DUWO had with Greenchoice expired and had to be renewed at the peak of the market. This is […]

Tenant Information

General topics that are of interest to several tenants.


“A residents’ committee defends the interests of the tenant in their complex. But that’s not all …”

Frequently Asked Questions

Duwoners regularly receives questions about various topics that may be important for several tenants and for which you cannot turn to DUWO.

contact us…

Mail to info@duwoners.nl or complete the form below to contact us.